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Ribbleton Avenue

Infant School and Nursery

At Ribbleton Avenue Infant School we offer every child a happy and caring place to play and learn

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Ribbleton Avenue

Infant School and Nursery

At Ribbleton Avenue Infant School we offer every child a happy and caring place to play and learn

Teaching Vocabulary in the Foundation Subjects

Vocabulary Teaching

Developing children’s vocabulary is an important part of the curriculum at Ribbleton Avenue Infant School. Many of the children who attend our school are developing their English vocabulary because they are either learning English as a second language (EAL learners) or they have limited life experiences because of social economic challenges. It is important for us that all children have access to a curriculum that allows them to develop their understanding of language and widens their vocabulary across all areas of learning.


Our approach

We have decided to teach vocabulary in 2 specific ways; one is to identify and teach specific vocabulary related to the curriculum being taught, the second way it to immerse children in language rich environments so that they can develop their language through every day use and practice.

We have identified in our curriculum vocabulary which we have decided to ‘intentionally’ teach as part of regular lessons. Words that fall into this specific type of vocabulary will be explicitly taught to children during an appropriate lesson context. Teachers will explain to children the meaning and origins (where appropriate) of these words and how these words are used in the context of the lesson. Our aim is to provide deeper meaning to this language with the hope that this will help the children retain the new vocabulary and use it in the future.

Alongside this specifically identified vocabulary children will also be immersed in a language rich environment where wider and more general language is developed. All staff will take opportunities to use and model appropriate language in the correct context so that children are constantly enriching their own language. When required some identified children will have more direct input to support their understanding and development of their vocabulary. This may involve 1:1 or group sessions.


Specifically identified vocabulary

Below you can find a table which shows within our foundation subject curriculum the words teachers have identified for specific teaching. The words are specific to the unit that is being taught however there is the expectation that children will know, use and understand words that are of equal importance from the previous units. For example the word ‘texture’ will be taught in autumn term year 1 during their DT cooking lessons and then this word will be continually used across the curriculum throughout KS1. This will allow teachers to revisit important vocabulary to check children’s knowledge and understanding.

Where schemes are bought in and used in school teachers will follow the same principles for how the vocabulary is taught in the lessons however it has already been highlighted and identified within the progression of the scheme and therefore is not within this document. Teachers should always make sure that within each lesson the key vocabulary is taught and not just used.


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