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Ribbleton Avenue

Infant School and Nursery

At Ribbleton Avenue Infant School we offer every child a happy and caring place to play and learn

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Ribbleton Avenue

Infant School and Nursery

At Ribbleton Avenue Infant School we offer every child a happy and caring place to play and learn


Welcome to Nursery!

About us

A warm and welcoming atmosphere awaits your child. We have a range of excellent resources and activities to enable your child to grow, develop and engage in adventurous and imaginative play. We have access to an outdoor area including our wildlife garden, which children are encouraged to use ‘whatever the weather’!

Please ensure your child is suitably dressed for Nursery; clothes that you don't mind getting dirty! Open toe shoes/sandals are not allowed due to health and safety regulations. If you could please provide your child with a spare change of clothes and a water bottle, this would be most appreciated.

Each child will have received their own unique password to access an app called Dojo. We will use Dojo as a form of communication and also to send you observations/photographs of your child.

It is also a chance for children to share with us what they have been up to at home.


Session times

Children attend our Nursery for either five morning sessions per week or five afternoon sessions per week. Some of our children attend Nursery all day apart from on a Friday. 

Morning sessions run from 8.45am - 11.45am.

Afternoon sessions run from 12.30pm - 3.30pm.

All day sessions run from 8.45am-3.30pm (Monday-Thursday) 8.45am-11.45am (Friday only) 




Physical Development is a fundamental part of our curriculum. We have opportunities every day to access our outdoor learning environment to develop all aspects of the curriculum. To aid both our gross and fine motor we have weekly PE sessions in the main school hall. AM and All Day children will complete their PE on a Tuesday. PM children will have PE on a Friday. It is very important that children are dressed appropriately for PE therefor we ask that children come to Nursery in joggers, t shirt, trainers or pumps. We ask for no jewellery, including earrings and hair is tied up. 


Nursery staff

Our Nursery team is ran by our Teacher Miss. Kitt as well as our Teaching Assistant Miss. Ekins. Miss Kitt has time out on a Monday and Miss Weddle covers the class. Miss. Kitt is available on Monday by appointment only. Nursery has the fabulous Mrs Smith our Support Assistants who  helps children with intervention based learning. 

We also mentor students who are on placement and volunteers.

We are always available to talk to you should you have any concerns about your child. 


Snack time and Keyworker time

We have just started to do a free flow snack time, which seems to be working well. Children can access fruit and milk at anytime during their session. We encourage children to try each of the fruits that we have.

Children are also taught about healthy practices, including washing their hands prior to eating and brushing their teeth twice a day. We also encourage our children to try a range of other healthy snacks such as toast, crumpets, cereals and even scrambled eggs! We are happy to celebrate children's birthdays and parents are welcome to bring cakes or a birthday cake into nursery. We will happily blow the candles out and sing Happy Birthday. We will slice the cake for the children to have at Keyworker Time.

Keyworker time is done half way through the session. Your child is allocated a keyworker within the first few weeks of starting nursery with us. In these sessions, we discuss different topics associated with the early years PSE objectives (personal, social and emotional development) and it is a time for children to listen and tell their own stories, or something that they have done at the weekend etc.


Early Years Foundation Stage curriculum

We follow the new Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) curriculum which ensures that every child at Nursery age receives quality educational opportunities that support their development and learning.

In Summer 2 we will be embarking on the end of our Nursery journey. We will finish the year by having a whistle-stop tour, learning about different farm animals and how life is on the farm. We will enjoy stories such as Rosie’s Walk and 3 Little Pigs, to help use recall events in order as well as demonstrate how we can use positional language to describe where animals or objects are.  In our Role Play area we will be exploring different farm produce as well as learning where food comes from that we can buy at the shops or what we eat at our homes. In Maths we will explore numbers past 10 in rhymes as well as show our teachers how we can recognise Numbers 1-10 in books, marks, pictures and objects. We will explore how to put events in order as well as using language to discuss daily routines. Finally we will be gaining the skills to leave Nursery and to set off on our new adventure of ‘Big School’. We will be saying goodbye to Nursery teachers and some Nursery friends. However saying hello to new friend and adventures.


In Summer 1, our topic will be Minibeasts, Down at the bottom of the garden. We will be exploring lots of different information books to find out facts about minibeast, plants and birds. We will be observing seasonal changes as well as getting our hands dirty in the garden planting lots of seeds, bulbs and plants. We will be using out DT knowledge to plan and build minibeast habitats and look at the different environmental conditions different minibeast enjoy. In Maths we will be focusing on 2D and 3D shapes learning new vocabulary to describe them as well as learning how to make numbers 1-3 using different objects, marks and pictures. In ICT we will be learning how to use the IPADS, using a program call Purple Mash. We will be using an interactive paint program, exploring different patterns and marks we can make on a Bee template. 


In Spring 2, our topic will be Bears. We will be exploring a range of non-fiction and fiction texts linked with Bears, exploring the setting and the characters. We will be discussing how and why the Bears environment is different to ours. We will take walks around our school grounds looking at the signs of spring as well as making observations about the bulbs that we planted. Children will learn the stages of growth as well as looking at decay within the Nursery garden. We will celebrate Mother Day, by making gift for our loved ones as well as discussing the religious event of Easter by learning the signs of Easter and why they important to our lives. In Maths we will continue looking at number as well as discussing size in relation to the 3 Bears as wells as length and height in the garden when measuring the growth of our bulbs. In PE we will continue to complete our physical development in the main school hall, developing our fundamental skills and gross motor development. It is going to be a full, exciting half term and we cannot wait to go hunting for Bears.


In Spring 1, our topic will be Nursery Rhymes. We will be learning, discussing and recalling a variety of Nursery Rhymes as well as rhyming stories. We will be looking at the changes that happen in our Garden for Winter, making bird feeders for the nature that come to visit our garden as well as planting bulbs for Spring. We will celebrate two cultural celebrations, Shrove Tuesday and Chinese New Year. This will expose us to different food from around the world as well as expanding our Understanding of the World. In Math's we will be looking deeper into early number making links to the numbers we see in our environment as well as the marks we make. We will continue of Physical Development both outside in the Nursery garden as well as completing our learning in the big school hall as part of our PE lessons. We will be developing our fine motor skills when we look at the artist Piet Mondrian, focusing on art and our drawing skills. This may be a short half term but it will be jam packed. What a great start to 2024! 


In Autumn 2, we will be learning about how the seasons are changing as well a having some 'Water play' in our puddle suites. We will start to learn all about Nativity story as well as putting on a performance for our grown ups. We will have a celebration rich half term looking a different cultural lead festivals and gatherings such as Bonfire Night, Diwali and Christmas. We will remember the Solider's as part of our Rememberence Day. As part of our topic "All About Me' we will use mirrors to draw our self portraits as well as having Doctors Surgery in our role play area.Where we  will be able to use our imagination and create story lines with our friends. The 'surgery' will be well stocked with first aid kits, prescription pads and 'patients'. This will enable fun and exciting opportunities and enhances language and communications skills. We will be looking at Maps our our local area as well as using positional language to describe our journey to Nursery. We can't wait to see what Spring 1 term has in store!


Our first topic of the year is 'Colour me a Rainbow'. We are going to explore colours we see around us in our classroom and in our garden. We are going to sort colours into groups as well as learn about colours that match different objects and natural materials. We are going to paint using our own ideas and find matching colours. We are going to explore the signs of Autumn and learn about different animals that hibernate over winter. We will say hello to Mr Moon when celebrating the Chinese Moon festival and see if we can spot him in the sky. We are going to explore the Nursery garden and find different mini beasts, making a worm garden for the wiggly worms we find. In Maths we are going to explore shapes and Numbers in our Nursery as well as using different language to describe AB patterns. We will carry on having a huge focus on listening to the children's interests in our Autumn 2 term, this has created some wonderful work so far, which we proudly display within our classroom.


Useful Links

Here are some useful links to fun and educational activities you can enjoy with your children at home.




60 minute medley | Early Years - Nursery Rhymes | BBC Teach

A medley of some of the best-known nursery songs and rhymes to sing with your children at home.

Parents Information Board

Please regularly check the Parents Information Board (which is situated just outside the entrance to Nursery) for reminders, notices and diary date changes. The board also consists of useful websites, stories and new key language, this is changed on a weekly basis.


We have worksheets printed weekly, to help with your child's learning. If you would like more support and/or information, please do come and talk to us.


There is also a parent's suggestion box outside of nursery. We would love to hear from you. If you have any ideas, your child's current interests or general comments, please drop us a note and we will do our best to make things happen.


Contact Miss Kitt

If you need to ask a non urgent question, please use this box to communicate with Nursery. Please be aware that messages can take up to 1 week for a reply.

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