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Ribbleton Avenue

Infant School and Nursery

At Ribbleton Avenue Infant School we offer every child a happy and caring place to play and learn

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School Logo

Ribbleton Avenue

Infant School and Nursery

At Ribbleton Avenue Infant School we offer every child a happy and caring place to play and learn


Ribbleton Avenue Infant School Curriculum

Welcome to our school curriculum page. Here you can find out  about the curriculum we offer and our vision for educating the young people of Ribbleton. 



We have worked hard to reinvigorate the curriculum to promote a love of learning whilst making learning relevant to all children.  We believe our curriculum expands life experiences and deepens each child’s knowledge of the world through the encouragement of inquisitive minds.  We hope our curriculum expands the horizon for all our school family.


Our Intent


We have designed a bespoke curriculum which incorporates the needs of all learners at our school. It is be rich in content, reflective of the cultural make up of our community and develops the skills our children need for succeeding in the next stage of their learning journey.


The National Curriculum and Early Years Foundation Stage Curriculum form the core learning with thematic content inspiring curiosity and creativity across all subjects. Learners at Ribbleton Avenue Infants are taught in progressive sequences building upon knowledge and developing skills. Rigorous assessment allows teachers to adapt teaching and learning, providing supported challenge enabling children to successfully access all subjects at their level.


Our new curriculum develops independent, knowledgeable, creative thinkers who are prepared for the next stages in their learning and have skills which can be transferred and used beyond the school gates.



Our Cause for Change


At Ribbleton Avenue Infant School, we believe our children deserve a curriculum that will give a solid foundation for all abilities to build upon by providing basic life skills that will provide new approaches to learning and inspire learners who are motivated to ask questions.  We believe our children are entitled to a curriculum that raises the aspirations of all involved in school life, a curriculum that is aspirational for all.



  • Teachers have strong subject knowledge developed through staff CPD
  • Subject leaders review the impact of teaching within their subject area, identify points to develop and share good practice.
  • Subject leaders have developed subject specific intent statements clarifying the purpose of study in those areas.
  • Themed annual cycles in Nursery and Reception and separate two year cycles through Key Stage One, provide a layered curriculum which is progressive, sequenced and deepens knowledge, skills and understanding.
  • A variety of media and materials provides physical skills development and further interest.
  • Children are encouraged to access the curriculum through direct teaching, as well as enquiry and discussion.
  • Teachers develop the curriculum based on the children’s responses in the moment
  • Rigorous assessment is used to identify misconceptions and areas which need a greater focus for an individual, class or phase group.
  • Learning is linked across subjects to further deepen understanding.
  • A whole school themed learning opportunity each year to strengthen the partnership working between key stages and families.



  • When children leave our school they are well prepared for the next phase in their education and have a good foundation of skills to support them in the wider world.
  • All children achieve their individual best regardless of their starting point. This is reflected in nationally reported results.
  • Children have a deeper understanding of the world around them, their place in the world and develop their own aspirations for the future.
  • Assessments both internal and external show that children are building upon their knowledge year on year, deepening their learning in all areas as they progress through school
  • Observations, learning walks and discussions with children show that children have a deeply embedded love of learning.



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