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Ribbleton Avenue

Infant School and Nursery

At Ribbleton Avenue Infant School we offer every child a happy and caring place to play and learn

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Ribbleton Avenue

Infant School and Nursery

At Ribbleton Avenue Infant School we offer every child a happy and caring place to play and learn

Bubble Fun

Bouncing Bubbles

Have you ever tried blowing bubbles and bouncing them on your hand? What happens if you try catching the bubble?

Below is a link to a youtube video to show you how to make a special bubble mixture that will let the bubbles bounce. Can you spot the special ingredient? In this video, you are shown how to make the mixture using water, washing up liquid and adding some caster sugar - some instructions will ask you to use glycerin.

Normally, when we blow bubbles and they come into contact with dirt or oil (which are common on surfaces or skin) they will pop because the walls of the bubbles are very delicate. However, when we add a bit of sugar or glycerin to the mixture, it makes the walls of the bubbles stronger so they will last a bit longer. However, it is important that you make sure that the gloves you wear when bouncing your bubbles are clean and free of oil or grease.

How many times can you bounce a bubble before it pops?

Can you make different  bubble shapes?

Do the bubbles last longer if they are big or small?

What colours can you see in the bubbles that you blow?

Do the colours change if you blow them in the sunlight?

What happens if you use different colur washing up liquid?


Have a go with your grown ups to make some bouncing bubble mixture. Take some photos of you bouncing the bubbles and bring them to school to show your teachers.

Have fun with your bubbles!

Mrs McGrath

Bouncing Bubbles

Easy bubble mixture to make at home. All you need is dish soap, water and sugar!

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