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Ribbleton Avenue

Infant School and Nursery

At Ribbleton Avenue Infant School we offer every child a happy and caring place to play and learn

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Ribbleton Avenue

Infant School and Nursery

At Ribbleton Avenue Infant School we offer every child a happy and caring place to play and learn


Welcome to Doves Class!

We are a mixed Reception and Year 1 class and our teacher is Mrs Whittaker. Our teaching assistants are Miss Slee and Mr Thornton.





In order to help us become really good readers, we like to read to our grown ups at home as much as possible. We can change our reading books on a Monday, Wednesday and a Friday. Please make sure that our reading records are filled in and signed when we have read our books, so that our teachers know that they need changing. When our books are ready to be changed, we hand them in to our teachers when we come into school in the morning. It is really important that, as well as reading the words in the book, we talk about the pictures and answer questions about the story.

We love reading to ourselves and each other in our class book corner.




In the Doves, we will be having PE lessons every Thursday and Friday. We like to make sure we have our PE kits in school and that they are fully named as we sometimes get them mixed up! Please make sure that earrings are removed on PE days so that your child can take part in the lesson. 




In our weekly computing lessons we will use Purplemash we are learning to log on and off safely and find are own work page. We will also learn about technology in the wider world. The Reception children will develop their skills in logging in to Purplemash to play games and make pictures.



Themed learning

Our Summer 2 theme learning is "Globe Trotters." Please see the matrix overview for full details and information about what the children will be learning in each subject.




Spring 2 The Park Matrix

Summer 1 Man on the Moon Matrix

Summer 2 Globe Trotters Matrix


Homework will be set each week, based around the learning in class. This homework will be set in homework books. There may also be additional activities on Seesaw to support your child with their learning. Homework will usually be set on a Friday. Please ensure that homework is completed and brought into school in the homework book before the following Wednesday.


Phonics is so important as it supports your child's reading and writing. We do daily phonics sessions to help your children to use their blending/ segmenting skills to read and write words correctly. Furthermore, we then encourage your children to apply this knowledge in all of their other subjects.

In June, every year 1 child will sit the 'Year 1 phonics Screening'. This purely tests your child's ability to use their phonics to read words. Some of the words will be real words but some of them will be made up - so they must be very careful to make sure they don't try to make the 'alien' words sound like a word they already know. For example if the word was 'sike', it may be very tempting to say 'spike' - however, this would be incorrect. It is very likely that your child knows or will soon know more than one way of spelling the same sound. For example 'ai' - can be spelt as 'ai', 'ay, 'a-e' or 'A' e.g 'play' 'paint' 'make' 'Amy' which can be very confusing. To try to help you to support your child with their phonics at home, below you will find some examples of real/ alien (not real) words which contain the sounds which we learn in phonics.


Please use this link to play 'buried treasure' so that your child can practise reading lots of words:

Next, click on 'free' and select the correct phase for your child. Then your child can play on the 'buried treasure' game or the 'obb and bob' game.

Reception Doves

I have attached a powerpoint and a quick guide all about reading for you.

There is also lots of helpful information about reading and phonics on the Reception class page of the website;

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