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Ribbleton Avenue

Infant School and Nursery

At Ribbleton Avenue Infant School we offer every child a happy and caring place to play and learn

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School Logo

Ribbleton Avenue

Infant School and Nursery

At Ribbleton Avenue Infant School we offer every child a happy and caring place to play and learn

Computing, P.E. and Music





Music provision in school in part of an annual development plan. Progress towards this is reviewed throughout the year and new areas to focus on set for the year ahead. Please read our Music Development Plan for more information. 

We follow the Charanga Musical School Scheme for a Music curriculum in school. The Charanga scheme provides teachers with with the ability to develop musical skills which are built upon as the children move through the units. Each unit of work consists of:

  • Listening and Appraising
  • Musical Activities
  • Performing

The musical activities include, warm up games, singing, playing instruments, improvisation and composition. On their journey through the music curriculum children revisit the musical skills they are developing multiple times so they can deeply imbed their learning and refine their knowledge. 


More information on Charanga can be found here;

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