Incy Wincy Spider mini Theme
Here are a few home learning activities for your preschoolers based on the rhyme Incy Wincy Spider.
Have fun and stay safe!
Mrs Beetham
Join in the rhyme with your child and gradually get them to recite it on their own. Miss out words and change them for example:
Incy wincy spider climbed up the spout
Down came the snow and froze poor wincy out
Out came the sunshine and melted all the snow
So Incy wincy spider had another go.
Add any ideas to the comment box below!
Good cutting and ordering activity, which helps develop story telling skills. Encourage your child to tell
you the story of what happened to Incy Wincy in their own words.
These happy and sad cut outs provide an opportunity for you to discuss feelings with your child,
and also the opportunity to tak about resilience-after all Incy wincy didn't give up!
A simple and fun counting activity to do with your child.
You can use pegs to stick on his legs or push pencils through the holes.
Look at the numbers and say them together, count how many, and talk about one more and one less.
This is just one idea, you or your child might have much better ideas for creating your own
Incy Wincy Spider!
Jack and the Beanstalk Nursery Home Learning Theme
Hi Everyone,
We hope you have all had a lovely Easter, enjoying the good weather and not eating too many Easter eggs! There are some activities below linked to our mini theme of Jack and the Beanstalk, it is quite an exciting story. There are lots of versions of the story available to view on YouTube.
You could play Hide and Seek at home with a member of your family with one person being Jack hiding and the other being the Giant searching! How do You think Jack and the Giant felt?
Have fun with these activities and stay safe.
The Nursery Team
The Enormous Turnip
Hello to all of Nursery!
We are all really missing you! We hope that you are keeping busy at home, but most importantly that you are all keeping safe.
This week let's look at the story of The Enormous Turnip. What does that word enormous mean? Do you know? It means really, really BIG! Can you think of anything in your home that's enormous? Also what is a turnip? A turnip is a type of vegetable that grows in the ground and when cooked it is very yummy.
You will find attached the story of The Enormous Turnip, please can you read this to your child and discuss what is happening in the story.
At the end of the story, the man shares the turnip with his friends. Can you share something with your family? Maybe you could bake some cakes with your grown up and share them, or you could share your toys with a brother or sister if you have one.
There is also a song attached, try and learn the song, can you think of some actions to go with it?
If you have a printer at home, there are some activites you can print out to do with your child.
Please leave a comment below and let us know how you are all doing.
From Mrs Bateson and the Nursery team x
Hello Nursery
I hope you are all keeping safe and well at home. I've been digging in my garden and it gave me an idea for a theme this week. I wonder if you can guess what it is. Here is a clue
They are long and wiggly and make little tunnels in the soil.
That's right its worms, that was easy to guess! One of my favoutite stories is SUPERWORM by Julia Donaldson and you can find it on Youtube. Have you ever tried wiggling like a worm?
Did you know that worms are gardeners friends because they make the soil easy to dig!
Click on the links below to find some fun activities to do, including making your own wormery out of a plastic bottle - you can see how they dig tunnels.
Love from Mrs Beetham and the nursery team.
Den Building and The Very Hungry Caterpillar
Hello to you all!
We hope you are all ok and keeping busy at home with your grown-ups. We would love to know what you have been up to during lockdown, so please do write us a message and we can reply to you.
This week I have been building dens with my two little boys and they have loved it! I thought you would like to join in with the den building fun! All you need is a large sheet and maybe some pegs too. You could put the sheet over your table? or think of another way you could make a den. Maybe you could even build one outside?
I have attached some 'den building' activity sheets, for you and your grown-up to fill in.
This week I thought we would also focus on The Very Hungry Caterpillar. If you remember, this was one of my favourite books on 'Book Week'. It's such a wonderful story, look at all that food the caterpillar eats! lots of yummy things, but I don't think I could eat it all at once, could you?
I have attached some activites to keep you busy this week. Hope you enjoy them.
Will write again soon.
Love From Mrs Bateson and the Nursery Team x
We are all proud of our heroes! you can be a hero too!
Hello Nursery, we hope you are all staying safe.
We are spending lots more time inside at the moment and you can make it fun!
There are lots of heroes helping us out there, such as nurses, doctors, carers, supermarket workers, only to name a few! You can be a superhero too! You can help your grown-up do some jobs around the house!
This week there is one superhero I thought you would like to look at... Supertato! I have been busy this week, making the characters out of the book, using vegetables! Have a look at my photos that I have attached. If you have some spare potatoes, you could make Supertato too. Have a go at trying to rescue some other vegetables from the Evil Pea! This is great fun and made my children and I giggle!
I have also attached some other learning sheets for you to look at with your grown-up. We hope you have a lovely week! Missing you all.
Love Mrs Bateson and the Nursery Team x
Dingle dangle Scarecrow
Good morning nursery!
I hope you have all been enjoying the lovely sunshine we have been having. I have been very busy planting out my sweet peas and I hope the birds don't decide to eat them, I might have to make a scarecrow for my garden!
Some of you may remember making paper plate scarecrows when you first came to nursery. Can you remember what a scarecrow's job is?
Dingle Dangle Scarecrow was one of our favourite rhymes, perhaps you could teach it to your grownups at home.
Below are some fun scarecrow activities to do, perhaps you could design and make your own scarecrow, or even make some treats for the birds to eat.
There are lots of images of scarecrows on YouTube as well as bird food recipes.
Have fun
Love from Mrs Beetham and the Nursery Team
We hope you have had a lovely half term
Hello to all of our Nursery children!
We hope you have been enjoying the lovely weather, but making sure you are staying safe too.
Mrs Beetham's scarecrow activities look amazing! Please can you send us some pictures of the work you have been doing at home with your grownups, that would be fantastic as we would love to see what you have been up to.
Hopefully it won't be too much longer until we get to see you all again!
There is a powerpoint for you to look at (follow the link below), as nursery will be a bit different when you come back, but we will still have lots of fun!
If you can't access it, please let us know.
Speak again soon, love Mrs Bateson and the Nursery team x
Farmyard Hullabaloo
Hello everyone!
I hope you are all keeping safe and busy at home, do please let us know what you have been up to!
I went for a cycle ride along the canal today and guess what I saw? There were some cows drinking out of the water, it was very warm so they were standing in the water to keep cool. It looked very funny so I thought I would share my photo with you! (click on the link above)
Have any of you ever seen a cow? What do you know about cows? Can you find out:
Where they live.
Who looks after them.
What they eat.
What they give us.
What are their babies called?
Do you know what other animals live on the farm?
There is a funny rhyming story you can enjoy with your family called 'Farmyard Hullabaloo'. This is also available on Youtube.
Attached below are some activities for you to do to help you learn about farm animals. Perhaps you could model some from palydough and draw or paint your own animal masks. you could use these to act out the story or the rhyme 'Old Macdonald'!
Please let us know if you have fun with these activities!
Love from Mrs Beetham and the Nursery Team.
Rosie's Walk
Hello Nursery!
We hope you are all having fun at home with your family. We think about you a lot and we are missing you all.
This week I thought we would look at 'Rosie's Walk'. It's a lovely story, which you can find online if you follow this link-
There are not many words to the story, but it is great fun talking with your grown-up about the pictures you can see.
I have attached some documents for you to use at home. You could paint some stones/pebbles with the characters from the story. There are also some prepositions to remind yourself about. We did a lot of work on these in Nursery, so see if you can remember them!
Hope to see you soon.
Love Mrs Bateson and the Nursery Team x
Farmer and Duck
Hello Nursery!
We hope you are all well and keeping safe.
It has been very hot today! What have you been up to? I've been playing outside with my 2 boys! We've been using cold water and ice poles to cool us down. It's important to always wear a hat and suncream when playing in the sun, what else could you wear to protect yourself?
This week we are going to look at the story of Farmer and Duck. You can find the animation of this story by following this link
The duck is always busy helping around the farm, what do you do to help your grown-up?
There are some counting activities for you to do and some story sequencing. Please can you also practise writing your name, ready for when you start Reception- not long to go now!
Love Mrs Bateson and the Nursery team x
Getting ready to start School
Hello Nursery,
We hope you are all well?
It's not long now until you start school and you'll be in Reception. If you are going to Ribbleton Avenue School, Miss Duncan and I will come and say hello to you on your first day and you will still see us from time to time.
It's important now to get school ready. So make sure you are practising writing your name, getting dressed yourself and are able to go to the toilet by yourself and wash your hands.
Whilst you're at home these next few weeks, keep practising your counting to 10 and beyond and playing 'I spy' with your grown-up using letter sounds as this will get you ready to start Phonics.
This week in school we have been looking at the story 'The Paper Dolls'. It's a wonderful story. Here is the link to view it-
Can you make some paper dolls with your grown-up? Think of some names to give them too :)
Will write again soon.
Love Mrs Bateson and the Nursery Team x