Our class
Welcome to reception!
We have settled well into school and we are enjoying our learning. We learn through play and structured activities in our classrooms and outdoor area.
Our Teachers are:
Robins: Miss. O'Hara
Sparrows: Mrs. Nagy
Nightingales: Mrs. Schofield
Our Teaching assistants are:
Robins: Mrs. Jeal, Miss. Rutlidge
Sparrows: Mrs. Seedat, Miss. Buchanan
Nightingales: Mrs. Isherwood
The PE days for the Autumn term will be Thursday and Friday for Sparrows and Monday and Friday for Robins. Please ensure your child has their PE kit, including pumps, in school and that earrings are removed on PE days. Please ensure that all school uniform and PE kit is labelled as this helps us to give items back quickly to children if they get mixed up.
Reading - The children will complete a reading session each week with a member of staff in school. Home reading books will be changed on a Monday, Wednesday and Friday. We ask parents to read with their child each night for 5 minutes and fill in the reading diary. This alerts staff that the book has been completed and then can be changed.
Homework - Homework will be sent on a Friday and must be returned completed by the following Wednesday.
Reading In Reception!
Step Outside to Quality
Last year we were awarded a Lancashire Accreditation for outdoor Learning. The staff and children worked very hard to make the Reception outdoor space an exciting and dynamic place to learn!
Please have look at our outside learning pamphlet and pictures.
Outdoor Learning Parents Guide
Dojo is a brilliant communication tool that we use in school. School announcements, celebrations and additional optional learning activities will be sent via the platform.
Please remember to check your child's class Dojo page. If you have any issues logging on to Dojo, please see your child's class teacher.
Our class rules
Our Rules
To keep us safe and happy in the classroom, our rules are:
- Good looking
- Good listening
- Good sitting
- Good thinking
- Keep our hands and feet to ourselves
- Use quiet voices inside
- Walk when we are inside
- Put our hands up when we want to speak
- Look after each other
- Look after our toys