Coronavirus updates
Letter to Parents. Living with Covid - implications for school
January 2022 School letter
January 2022 letter from the Director of Public Health
Christmas Letter from the Director of Public Health
RAIS COVID Outbreak Management Plan September 2021
DFE COVID Contingency Guidance September 2021opening
Step 4 Government Guidance for Parents. (July 2021)
Copy and paste the following link into your browser.
May Half Term 2021 Track and Trace Details
Letter to parents from Director of Public Health
Easter Holiday Track and Trace requirements
Lateral Flow Testing
Remote Learning Guidance
School re-opening to all children Monday 8th March 2021
Please read the letter outlining arrangements for school re-opening on Monday 8th March 2021.
Please keep to your allocated zone, arrival and collection times.
Class |
Bubble |
Start time |
Finish time |
Waiting Zone |
Kingfishers |
1 |
9.00am |
3.00pm |
C |
Owls |
2 |
9.00am |
3.00pm |
D |
Wrens |
3 |
9.00am |
3.00pm |
E back of school |
Nightingales |
4 |
9.15am |
3.15pm |
E back of school |
Doves |
5 |
9.15am |
3.15pm |
B |
Sparrows |
6 |
9.15am |
3.15pm |
D |
Robins |
7 |
9.15am |
3.15pm |
C |
Nursery AM |
8 |
8.45am |
11.45am |
Nursery area |
Nursery PM |
12.30pm |
3.30pm |
February Half Term 2021 COVID Track and Trace arrangements
January 2021 School Closure
Following yesterdays Government announcement school will close on Tuesday 5th January 2021 for the rest of the half term. It is hoped that school will re-open on Tuesday 23rd February 2021.
School will provide remote education for this period of time.
From Wednesday 6th January, school will be open from 9am until 3.15pm for:
- Children whose parents are Keyworkers
- Children who are on an EHCP plan (SEND)
- Children who are on a Child Protection Plan
- Children who are on a Child in Need Plan
Breakfast club will run from 8.15am
If you are a keyworker and require a place for your child, please contact the school office. Proof of profession and shift patterns will be required.
January 2021 School Re-Opening Letter and Keyworker Information
Christmas COVID Test and Trace Arrangements
Joint Letter from the Headteachers of the Infant and Junior School
Covid Reporting Advice
If you need any advice around COVID, or you want to report a confirmed case during a school holiday, you can do this by either:
Phoning the School Health Support Team on 01772 531555 or you can email them at:
Alternatively, email:
If a member of your household shows any symptoms of COVID and /or is recommended to be tested the WHOLE household must self-isolate until the test results return.
Self isolation means no one is to leave the house for any reason other than to be tested.
It is very important that you let school know straight away if anyone is showing symptoms or going for a test. It is also important that you ring the school office on 01772 796037 as soon as you have your test results, regardless of the result.
Thank you for our support with this.
September Opening. Letter from CC P. Williamson
Dear Parents,
County Counsellor P. Williamson has sent the following letter to schools about opening in September. The letter can be found at:
Support over the summer holidays
Our Family Support Worker, Miss Fitzpatrick will be available every Wednesday between 22nd July -19th August.
If you need any advice, guidance or support you will be able to contact her on 07887831082 between 9am-3pm.
You can also send a private message to our Facebook page or a message on WhatsApp if you do not have any credit.
September 2020
School Opening to ALL children
Wednesday 2nd September: Year 1 and Year 2
Monday 7th September: Reception children start
Monday 14th September: Nursery children start
Please read the letter attached outlining start and finish times and safety arrangements.
Important Notice
School to re-open on Monday 22nd June 2020
Who can come?
- Reception children
- Nursery children (if both parents work)
- Nursery children (if you are a single working parent)
- Keyworker children
You MUST NOT send your child if it hasnt been arranged with the school.
Please read the letter attached to this post.
The Local Authority have advised schools not to re-open as previously planned.
Following this advice, Ribbleton Avenue Infant School will remain closed until further notice is given.
Keyworker and Vulnerable Children provision will continue to run from the Junior site. Proof of Keyworker status is required.
The Local Authority issued the following advice:
"Lancashire County Council is advising schools in the county not to open to more pupils from 1 June, but instead to continue with the current arrangements. This is because, in our assessment, we do not currently meet all five of the government's tests in Lancashire which would allow this decision to be taken safely.
We will regularly review the situation and provide further advice so that we can advise schools to open to more pupils as soon as we judge it safe to do so.
We are actively encouraging schools to follow this advice."
The full notification is attached to this posting.
Please click on the link at the top of this message to access it.
Please read the Letter to Parents outlining the proposed re-opening of school.
Please look at the playground plan below to familiarise yourself with the drop off and collection zones.
(Click on the attached documents above)
Playground Plan.
Start time: 9.00am Finish time: 3.00pm
Learning Bubble 1 go to Zone A
Learning Bubble 2 go to Zone B
Learning Bubble 3 go to Zone C
Learning Bubble 4 go to Zone D
Start time: 9.15am Finish time: 3.15pm
Learning Bubble 5 go to Zone A
Learning Bubble 6 go to Zone B
Learning Bubble 7 go to Zone C
Learning Bubble 8 go to Zone D
(Click on the attachment above to see the plan)
We hope that you are managing to keep safe and well during the school closure period.
Please take a moment to read my letter.
We look forward to seeing you soon.
From Mrs Dring.
Edenred Meal Voucher Scheme
Edenred meal vouchers can only be used for families who are eligible and in receipt of benefits.
Please call 01772 531809 to check if you are eligible.
Please click on the attachment for parent guidance on how to redeem vouchers.
School need your email address to register you with Edenred.
Once registered, if you have problems please email:
Pupil Premium School Meal Vouchers
Edenred Meal Voucher Scheme
If you are in receipt of benefits and have registered for Pupil Premium Free School Meals, your child's name should be on our list. If you are unsure please call 01772 531809 to check eligibility.
For children who are on this list, school have registered your child with Edenred to receive ecode vouchers via your email address. Please ensure we have an up to date email address.
Due to high volumes of applications, Edenred are experiencing a processing back log. It may take a few days for your codes to come through. Please check your emails each day, including your junk mail.
Each child is entitled to a £15 voucher each week. It is the parents responsibility to redeem their voucher codes.
You can choose which supermarket you wish to use your vouchers in. The nearest stores to school are Morrisons and Sainsburys.