Support for Parents
It’s ok not to feel ok!
This week is bringing about new challenges for all of us but mostly what I have mostly been hearing about is fear, anxiety, low motivation and low mood. This is why I want to say to you all it is ok not to feel ok. Remember you are not a robot, you are a human being with feelings and emotions living in a time like no other! Feeling worried, stressed and anxious is natural. Give yourself a break if this is how you are feeling, there is no rule book for how any of us are supposed to cope in situations like this.
What you can do is think about what’s in your control and try and stay focussed on this. Worrying about things which are out of your control will cause further anxiety and low mood. It is not easy but think each day about how much you are allowing yourself to worry about things such as ‘when will the lockdown end?’ ‘What if someone comes close to me when I go to the shop?’ ‘Is my child doing the same amount of learning as my friends/sisters etc’ You can’t control these things, focussing on them will make you feel more anxious and worried because you will feel more and more out of control.
Try and switch your mind set so you focus on the things which are in your control and make a plan for yourself to keep busy each day. Controlling what you can will make you feel better, for example control how much you are going to access ‘coronavirus news’ on TV or social media by making a plan to watch the news or read online at 7pm, blocking it out throughout the rest of the day. This way you can go through your day knowing that you are in control and have made a choice not to focus on that until later. Sometimes setting a time to ‘worry’ or think about what is going on outside of your four worlds is a good way of keeping it from invading your headspace all of the time.
Try and include some of my top tips below to help keep those things you can control as your main focus and put those things which you can’t out of your mind………
- Be kind to yourself it's ok to feel overwhelmed
- Reach out, don’t hide how you feel, talk to someone. We are all in this together
- Stay in touch with friends and family via telephone and video chats
- Limit access to social media! Facebook stories saying aliens brought coronavirus to the plant in 1978 are probably not true and definitely not helpful!!!!
- Plan your time and stay motivated by doing activities which you love with your children
- Stop focussing on things that are out of your control and focus on what you can
- Be brave and do some exercise! Play tig with your children in the yard/garden or if you feel comfortable go for a walk
- Stay positive!
Somebody said to me this week that each day they are happier than the day before. When I asked why they said “because when I wake up in the morning I think yes! I am one more day closer to the end of this and closer to my life returning to normal.” Holding on to the positives and remembering that this will all come to the end at some point will help.
Stay safe everyone!
Mrs Bailey
Help! I am not a teacher!!!
I am sure many of you are sitting at home worrying about your child falling behind because they are missing school and maybe feeling a little bit of pressure to 'homeschool' your child so that doesn't happen. This page is for YOU! Here you can find hints and tips on how to manage those anxieties alongside practical advice on how we teach key things so that you can help your child/ren continue this learning journey at home. Keep checking back for updates but in the meantime here are some tips from me....
- We know you are not teachers, we don't expect you to be
- The most precious gift you can give your child is your time
- Learning happens everywhere, don't feel like they have to be sat at a table writing all the time!
- Even we find it hard to get them to understand some concepts!!!
- Don't forget to let them play, even we let them get the toys out for a bit of down time
- You are not alone! All children have left school at the same point and will return at the same point, don't feel under pressure to be the best homeschool parent!
- Any learning you can do will make a difference
- Phonics is hard........we know!
- WE ARE STILL HERE! Even though our doors are closed to the majority of children our school team is still here (remotely mostly) and we will support you as much as we can.
And finally...........don't worry, enjoy seeing how wonderful your children are, you are getting a special look into our world and will see all their magical learning moments first hand, enjoy them!
Take care,
Mrs Bailey