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Ribbleton Avenue

Infant School and Nursery

At Ribbleton Avenue Infant School we offer every child a happy and caring place to play and learn

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School Logo

Ribbleton Avenue

Infant School and Nursery

At Ribbleton Avenue Infant School we offer every child a happy and caring place to play and learn


Welcome to our Wrens' class page.


We are a mixed class of 30 Year 1 and Year 2 children.

Our class teacher is Mr Blundell and we are supported by Ms Duncan.


Summer Term.


Important info at a glance:

PE days this half-term are Monday and Tuesdays. 

Home reading books will be changed each Monday, Wednesday and Friday.

Homework is handed out each Friday and should be returned by the following Wednesday.

Our next Outdoor learning session is on: 12th July (tbc)

School re-opens for the second half of our Summer term: Wednesday 5th June.

School closes for the summer holidays: Friday 16th July.




In Wrens, reading is very important to us.  We take every opportunity to read throughout the day, and we ask that you read with us at home too.  We have a special reading scheme to encourage reading and we receive prizes for reading certain numbers of books.  We really enjoy this! 


We are very proud that some of our readers have got to their 75 Books certificate!  Well done! 


The reading books that come home with us are carefully picked to match our phonics reading 'phase' and we want to read these at home with you each night.  We ask our parents to complete the reading record each day.  We read in class in small groups, in our Guided Reading sessions, 1:1 with adults and within our other subjects.  We love to read!


When we read, we love to read aloud.  We love to read to our adults and our friends.  We love to read books, comics, recipes, shopping lists, road signs, and everything else we can spot!  We love to talk about what we have read - and it really helps us to develop our skills.  When we are reading, please also:

* Ask us questions about the pictures,

* Talk with us about what has happened,

* Discuss the character names and how they felt,

* Predict what will happen next or how the story might end,

* Find your favourite part of the story, and ask us about ours,

* Retell the story with or without the pictures.


If you have any questions about how you can help support us with reading at home, please ask our teachers.



We also have daily Phonics lessons, working with other children at the same phonics phase, learning to segment and blend to read and write.  During the year, we will be progressing through the phonics phases and hope to be ready to pass the Statutory Phonics Screening check in June (Year 1 pupils*).  This tests our ability to read real and nonsense words, by blending together the sounds (phonemes) that we know.  A booklet came home in March to help us practice at home through the Easter holidays!


We understand that helping us with our phonics can be tricky - please speak to our teachers if you want any advice about how you can help us. There are some useful websites and links below, including some fun games that we love!


(* The statutory Phonics Screening Checks are for all Year 1 pupils - and for Year 2 pupils to re-sit if they did not achieve a pass mark in June of last year.)



Our PE days in the Autumn term are: Tuesday and Thursday.

Our PE days in the Spring term are: Tuesday and Wednesday.

Our PE days in the first half of the Summer term are: Wednesday and Thursday.

Our PE days in the second half of the Summer term are: Monday and Tuesday.

Can you please make sure that our full PE kit is in school on those days.  Our PE kit should be named and we can store it on our coat hooks at school in a small bag.  Please make sure we remember to remove our earrings on our PE days.



We will bring our yellow homework book home every Friday.  Our homework will always include activities linked to previous and current learning, will give us another chance to practice a skill or show off our learning.  We need to remember to bring our homework back to school by the following Wednesday - Mr Blundell and Ms Duncan do check this!  We really love showing our homework to our families and talking about the learning we have been doing. 

Important Dates

Dates for your diary


Close for half term: Friday 24th May at 3:15pm.


Open for Summer Term 2: Wednesday 5th June, 8:55am.


Close for summer holidays: Friday 19th July at 3:15pm.


Our Learning

Summer 2

Our theme for our learning in the second half term of the Summer term is 'Globe Trotters'. 

Our theme web will give you a flavour of what we will be learning across our different subjects. 


We will be pushing ourselves in English this half term, putting all of our Year 1 and Year 2 writing skills into practice to produce some excellent pieces of work.  We will read a wide range of books and use these as inspiration for our discussions and for our written work. We start with 'The Lion inside'.


In Maths, we will continue to build on our understanding of number, focusing on place value and counting in 2s, 5s and 10s.  We will look at fractions (halves and quarters of shapes), before transferring this knowledge into finding fractions of numbers.  We finish with direction (using Bee-bots) and statistics.  


Our theme work about 'Globe Trotters'' will see us learning about continents and oceans, the equator, weather around the world, and comparing life in Mexico to that in Ribbleton (UK).  


In Art we will focus on Anthony Gormley and his sculpture work.  Some really engaging and fun lessons here! 


We are excited to continue our Science work learning about plants, as well as finishing our work about seasons as we move in to Summer. 


We are excited to get started on all of this new learning! 

Our learning - Autumn 1

Our learning - Autumn 2

Our learning - Spring 1

Our learning - Spring 2

Our learning - Summer 1

Our learning - Summer 2

What have the Wrens been up to?


We share updates and photographs on ClassDojo. 



Wrapped up warm for our Winter poem.

Outdoor Learning

Computing: following an algorithm.

Measurements in maths.

History: a local walk

Outdoor Learning: Poppies

Story Sequencing.

Practical Maths.

Useful Websites and resources

Contact Mr Blundell

If you have any questions about our learning, please speak to Mr Blundell or Ms Duncan at the start or end of the school day. If you want to have a more detailed conversation, please arrange a time. You can always contact Mr Blundell on our ClassDojo page and he will try to help in any way that he can!

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