On Friday 19th March it is Comic Relief's Red Nose Day. To support this we are asking that the children come to school wearing red clothes. This can be wearing all red or just an item of red clothing, even their socks.
We will not be taking cash donations this year but if you would like to make a donation to this cause please click on the link below:
Thank you for your support.
Number Day
We will be celebrating the NSPCC number day on February 7th 2020.
In class the children will be completing number activites, games and reading number stories.
We are asking all children to "dress as a digit" and donate One Pound to the NSPCC.
Do you have maths eyes? We are asking the children to take pictures of maths they see in the environment or at home. Entries can be posted on the school Facebook page or handed in to your child's class teacher. Prizes will be given for the most imaginative. Entrys need to be submited by 11am on 07/02/20 for judging to take place in the afternoon.
Please look at the photos below for ideas.
Easter Egg Raffle and Egg Decorating Competition
It is that time again to start planning your Easter Egg entries for our egg decorating competition.
Every child in school is invited to design and decorate their own egg to be entered into our whole school competition.
There will be some very eggciting prizes to be won!
Entries can be brought into school from Monday 1st April and judging will take place on Wednesday 3rd April.
We will have a prize giving assembly and our winners will be announced in our Thursday assembly.
If you would like to enter the cost is £1. All money raised will go into school fund to support us in providing some exciting learning opportunities in the summer term.
Easter Egg Raffle
We will be running an Egg Hamper raffle to coincide with our Easter fundraising. If anyone would like to donate an Easter egg or any Easter chocolates we would be very grateful. The raffle tickets are available from the front office.